The Most Dangerous Kind of False Teaching

by | Jan 26, 2015 | Church Leadership and Ministry | 3 comments


Scene 1

He boldly claims that the viewer will receive a transfer of wealth from the world to their bank accounts.

Debts will dissolve, they’ll get their dream house or a new car—and healing from debilitating disease to boot.

If only…

If only they’ll call and ask for his free packet of “miracle water”–now available in a larger size!  That’s their point of contact with his faith, the hinge on which their personal prosperity turns. I’ve viewed snippets of numerous broadcasts, and every single time he talks about  his miracle water.  Not once have I heard anything remotely resembling a Bible exposition. Hundreds, often a thousand-plus, pack his small-venue meetings across the country.  Gullible attendees and TV viewers get on his mailing list, and send him money to pay for his broadcast time, and a whole lot more.

But his is not the kind of false teaching I worry about.

Scene 2

She’s articulate and steeped in Bible knowledge.  She quotes verse after verse without turning to the texts in her Bible.  I’ve heard her give a clear plan of salvation and explain the efficacy of the cross.   She travels extensively to speak, often in large church venues.  Satellites beam her messages across the globe.

She’s also a top-echelon proponent of the so-called “prosperity gospel.”   After interviewing a famous billionaire entrepreneur—a man few associate with evangelical faith– she turned to the camera and exclaimed, “Jesus wants you rich!  He paid a high price on Calvary so you can be financially wealthy.”

Why is she a hundred times more dangerous than the huckster who hawks his miracle water?   Because parts of her sermons—sometimes entire messages—are so right and true.

Extraordinary passion.

Compelling truth.

Spellbinding delivery.

All tempered by a deficientBiblical theology of suffering.  Her erroneous teaching is so much easier to believe when she sandwiches it in between rock-solid stuff.  I wish she promoted packets of miracle water instead.

Nobody has ever been fooled by a counterfeit $90 bill.

Please note: comments are closed after two weeks. You are welcome to contact me directly after that time if you would like to share your thoughts.


  1. Right on. The best lie needs some truth in it.

  2. isn’t the real problem a lack of personal responsibility to know the scriptures?

    • Hi Sue. Of course your comment is correct that believers SHOULD know Sc. better. The fact is, though, that many don’t, which makes them more gullible. I am amazed at the gullibility of so many in churches who evaluate messages more on style that substance or doctrine. But many know enough to recognize basic gospel truths when they hear it, but not enough to ferret out the false from the true.


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