by | Mar 24, 2016 | Christian Living in the Trenches

The following questions help shuttle God’s Word from my head to my heart.  I often use them to keep my devotional study of a passage from becoming  too sterile or academic.  Undoubtedly there’s overlap to some of these questions, and not every Bible passage offers an answer for every probe.  But using them helps personalize the text for me.
*How does this passage increase my appreciation for God the Father, Jesus the Son, or the Holy Spirit?

*How should what I am reading affect my prayers?  Explain.

*What insight encourages or sustains me?  Why?
*What insight challenges me to change, or convicts me in some way?
*Does the passage expose a sinful behavior or failure that I should confess and forsake?
*What circumstances, people, or decisions come to mind as I read?  Why?
*What positive course of action does the passage propose?
*What impact should what I’m reading have on my relationships?
*What is God saying to my heart—my affections, motives, and attitudes?
*Who in my sphere of influence could benefit from the insights in this passage?  What form can my communication with this person take?
*How does what I’m reading enhance my awareness of God’s grace, or facilitate my experience of it?
What other questions have you  found helpful in personalizing a Bible passage? 

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