by | Jun 20, 2017 | All

God Penetrates Our Darkness with His Light.
A lot of my writing strives to reconcile struggles, especially depression, with faith in a loving God.  But not even a melancholy person like me feels gloomy all the time.  No, sometimes God provides a serendipitous experience and my spirit unexpectedly soars.

Like the day on my way to work when a roseate sunrise greeted me, displaying the artistic majesty of God.  Such moments of ravishing beauty make the struggles more bearable.  I was reminded of Psalm 8:1: “O Lord, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth, who hast displayed Thy splendor above the heavens.”

That fleeting work of art inflated what had been a depressed spirit that week.  For that day, at least, the beauty instilled enough zest to fulfill the demands of the day with more-than-usual cheerfulness.

When I gazed at the sunrise, I was reminded of a popular saying: “Life is not a dress rehearsal.  Live it to the fullest.”

That morning, I lived life to the fullest by stopping to stare at the sunrise.  Later that day, I penned the words that follow.

Living That Makes Sense

Soak up the sunrise.
Work will wait.  Absorb the Lord’s art.
Let eye-popping hues heat up your heart.
Crunch the crisp apple.
Relish its juice running down your chin
before you choose to bite it again.
Ball up the blowing snow.
Let red-cold fingers form snowmen;
frosty flakes melt on face’s skin.
Listen!  Don’t just hear
when brown leaves scrunch beneath your shoe,
and contented cats purr on cue.
Life is a sponge.  Fill it, then seize it.
With all your might, twist it and squeeze it.
When did God last give you a serendipitous moment that generated joy?
Did you thank Him for it?

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