by Terry_Powell | Mar 30, 2020 | Depression and Faith
A Letter from John Piper Introductory note from Terry: Though I teach only one class this semester at Columbia International University, I have been scrambling to find delivery methods and resources for an on-campus class that will necessarily finish the semester...
by Terry_Powell | Mar 15, 2020 | Depression and Faith
A Dark Cloud of Realism with A Silver Lining of Hope It is one thing to write a book-length story of a successful Christian leader who battles daily physical pain, to illustrate through his life and ministry how God redeems pain for our good and for His glory.* It is...
by Terry_Powell | Mar 9, 2020 | Depression and Faith
You are grieving the death of your husband. Who can best help you process the loss of a decades-long companion? To whom will you voice your heart-rending pain? Who can help you navigate the difficult transition to living alone, to managing life and making choices all...
by Terry_Powell | Feb 22, 2020 | Depression and Faith
What factors deepen and expand our ministry to hurting people? Valid answers include a sound grasp of Bible knowledge, identification and exercise of our spiritual gift(s), and a willingness to sacrifice our convenience and time precisely when others most need help....
by Terry_Powell | Feb 13, 2020 | Depression and Faith
A Note from Terry: This is a guest post by Cindee Snider Re, co-founder, along with Pamela Piquette, of Chronic Joy (A Faith-based Chronic Illness Ministry). Chronic Joy has blogs and curriculum resources for needs in several categories: chronic illness or pain;...