by Terry_Powell | Nov 16, 2019 | Depression and Faith
Have you ever driven a bus or a truck with a “governor” attached to the engine mechanism? It’s an item that won’t allow the vehicle to go any faster than a designated speed, such as 5o miles per hour. No matter how far down you push the...
by Terry_Powell | Nov 5, 2019 | Depression and Faith |
Have you ever wanted to be like someone else? Someone flesh and blood, not a comic book hero or any other fictitious heroine? I have. I still do. In three scenarios that occurred during my years at Wheaton Graduate School in Illinois (1971-73), I’ll show you...
by Terry_Powell | Oct 28, 2019 | Depression and Faith
Bible verses for when you feel despondent, afraid, anxious, bereft of wisdom, become aware of a pattern of sin, or feel needy for any reason whatsoever. In order to benefit from this post, you will need to use your Bible. If any of the questions representing areas of...
by Terry_Powell | Oct 18, 2019 | Depression and Faith
Do we dare ask God to search our hearts? Some prayers are more dangerous than others. One type of prayer that has far-reaching consequences is to ask the Lord to search your heart for hidden sin, or for wrong patterns of thought. This happened to me years ago...
by Terry_Powell | Oct 5, 2019 | Depression and Faith |
Whatever happened to shame and to agonizing over sin? Is a sense of shame always a bad thing for a Christian? Many Bible teachers and counselors reply with a resounding “Yes!” “There’s no place for shame in a Christian’s life,” they insist. Thanks to...