by Terry_Powell | Dec 22, 2018 | Depression and Faith
This won’t read like a Christmas post at first, but keep reading. Scene 1 Right after God delivered Israel from bondage in Egypt, the Moses-led multitude found themselves between the proverbial rock and a hard place. In front of them, the Red Sea. Behind...
by Terry_Powell | Dec 17, 2018 | Depression and Faith |
God’s Help for the Healing of Memories Note to my readers: This is a full-length article, not the usual 1000 words or less post. It’s a deeply personal story of learning to forgive someone in my family. Due to the dysfunction and unresolved issues in so...
by Terry_Powell | Dec 6, 2018 | Depression and Faith
A True Story “Get in the car! Now!” My dad, his face beet-red and his voice booming, hustled my older brother and me into the back seat of his old Chevy. Dennis and I, in the neighborhood of 11 and 8 years old, knew not to resist dad when he was...
by Terry_Powell | Dec 5, 2018 | Depression and Faith
Other than the Christ child Himself, or our immediate family members, perhaps there are no more precious gifts than close friends. A close friend is someone who knows you well, and for some hard-to-figure-out reason, loves you anyway. A friend gives you his or her...
by Terry_Powell | Nov 23, 2018 | Depression and Faith
If push came to shove, if I had to choose between my life and allegiance to Christ, would I finish with the same flourish? Would the way I died shine light on the spiritual darkness of those who yelled for my life to end? Story of Staunch Faith He was 86. The...