by Terry_Powell | Jun 13, 2018 | Depression and Faith
Depression that leads to suicide is no respecter of persons. It isn’t just the plight of the financially-strapped, unemployed provider of a household, or the teen who’s tormented by bullies at school, or the aging retiree who’s weary of declining...
by Terry_Powell | Jun 11, 2018 | Depression and Faith |
Biblical Truth That Assuages Depression My last post described a courtroom scene and clarified the implications of the doctrine of justification. In this post, I tell a story and explain another implication of the cross that assuages despondency. I’m not saying...
by Terry_Powell | Jun 5, 2018 | Depression and Faith |
Dr. Terry Powell, a professor at Columbia International University, stood trial yesterday for three charges. According to the District Attorney’s office, the charges are “inexcusable” for a Christian professor who’s been in vocational ministry...
by Terry_Powell | Jun 3, 2018 | Depression and Faith
I am not a Christian because my faith always “works” for me. Yes, it works in the spiritual realm, in terms of my standing with God and eternal destiny. I’ve been “saved by grace through faith,” which is a gift of God (Eph. 2:8). But if...
by Terry_Powell | May 31, 2018 | Depression and Faith
I’m taking my son Stephen’s advice today: “Lighten up, dad!” A lot of my posts describe the painful symptoms of depression, then explain how God’s resources sustain and enable me. But today, I’m sharing an upbeat story of...