by Terry_Powell | Jun 20, 2017 | All
God Penetrates Our Darkness with His Light. A lot of my writing strives to reconcile struggles, especially depression, with faith in a loving God. But not even a melancholy person...
by Terry_Powell | Jun 9, 2017 | All |
I am not a Christian because my faith “works” for me. Talk to a devout Mormon, Muslim, or Buddhist and he’ll extol the here-and-now benefits of his faith. He’ll cite a serenity of spirit, or a sense of order that believing brings to his life. Yet his belief system...
by Terry_Powell | Jun 2, 2017 | Christian Living in the Trenches |
Repeatedly in His Word, God warns about the encroachment of pride. That’s because, as John Wesley put it, “All pride is idolatry.”When we’re proud, how does it show?More obvious answers include boasting about accomplishments (even when we’re subtle about it during...
by Terry_Powell | May 26, 2017 | All |
I’ll start by qualifying what I’m about to write.Most vocational church and parachurch leaders deserve more applause than they get. They’re diligent, caring, teachable, committed to Christ and His church, and often underpaid in a job fraught with pressure and folks’...
by Terry_Powell | May 23, 2017 | All
God’s Word is first and foremost a message book, revealing the story and means of redemption. But it’s also a method book, in the broad sense of that term.Pastors, missionaries, teachers, and evangelists may glean from certain texts how-to ideas for fulfilling their...