by Terry_Powell | Aug 7, 2015 | Christian Living in the Trenches |
I began my freshman year of college in the Jurassic era, 48 years ago this month. What if I could start all over, knowing what I know now about life and relationships? 1. I’d write my parents a letter soon after arriving on campus. No matter how imperfect or...
by Terry_Powell | Jul 30, 2015 | Bible Teaching and Small Group Ministry
In a Bible study group where the leader employs discussion, “relativism” occurs when participants look inward for answers, rather than observing and interpreting the Bible text for that day. It’s a focus on “what you think the verse means,” rather than on what the...
by Terry_Powell | Jul 29, 2015 | Bible Teaching and Small Group Ministry
During 45 years of teaching and leading group Bible studies, I’ve discovered the value of these skills to facilitate effective interaction: 1. Qualifying My Questions A good discussion leader keeps the focus on God’s Word rather than human opinion. When you...
by Terry_Powell | Jul 21, 2015 | Bible Teaching and Small Group Ministry
“Chasing rabbits” is an analogy describing the activity of participants who steer a discussion off course. They chase down a thread of discussion like it is a nose-twitching, rascally varmint that doesn’t run in a straight line. They zig and zag, bolt right, then...
by Terry_Powell | Jul 16, 2015 | Bible Teaching and Small Group Ministry
Essential Strategies for Bible Study Leaders When it comes to certain doctrines or controversial verses, Christians don’t always see eye to eye. Employ these strategies for keeping disputes from demolishing your Bible discussions. 1. Anticipate participants’...