by Terry_Powell | Apr 17, 2015 | Bible Teaching and Small Group Ministry
Sometimes I compare myself unfavorably with other speakers. Their oratorical polish dwarfs mine. Their magnetic personality appeals to people more than my melancholy temperament. Or their formal theological training exceeds mine. On other occasions, before I walk...
by Terry_Powell | Apr 6, 2015 | Church Leadership and Ministry
These questions percolated within me when I decided to resign a full-time associate staff position: · Who should be the first to know that I’m resigning? An associate should inform the senior pastor or immediate supervisor before spreading the word among other...
by Terry_Powell | Mar 27, 2015 | Church Leadership and Ministry
“Feuding Cripples Church” That headline was plastered on page 1 of the city newspaper. By a 17-6 margin, the deacons and trustees had voted the pastor out. But the pastor refused to budge. The board changed the locks to keep the pastor out. The pastor countered...
by Terry_Powell | Mar 18, 2015 | All
According to Patrick Morley, “accountability is to be regularly answerable for the key areas of our lives to qualified people.” Charles Swindoll adds, “Accountability is giving a few trusted persons the permission to ask you the hard questions.” Tim serves this...
by Terry_Powell | Mar 11, 2015 | Christian Living in the Trenches
As a mentor, church staff member, or small group leader, one of your privileges is to add to the Lord’s labor force by helping others discover their spiritual gifts. What follows is a list of 7 questions you can use with a protégé, in a new members’ class, with a...