by Terry_Powell | Feb 3, 2015 | All |
I pleaded with him. To no avail, as it turned out. Ronnie * (not his real name) and I were on the patio behind my house. He was a 31-year-old divorcee with two young girls who adored him. Chronically depressed, he had tried a couple times to take his own life. “Next...
by Terry_Powell | Jan 26, 2015 | Church Leadership and Ministry |
Scene 1 He boldly claims that the viewer will receive a transfer of wealth from the world to their bank accounts. Debts will dissolve, they’ll get their dream house or a new car—and healing from debilitating disease to boot. If only… If only they’ll call and...
by Terry_Powell | Jan 21, 2015 | All
Occasionally I make the mistake of clicking my TV remote to see what is on various “Christian” channels. Once I paused during a sermon on faith, delivered by the pastor of an upscale mega church. He’s handsome, poised, articulate. Networks beam his messages across...
by Terry_Powell | Jan 15, 2015 | Church Leadership and Ministry |
Incredulous. That describes my reaction when I heard the renowned TV preacher say it. He isn’t among the materialistic media personalities who propagate a prosperity gospel in order to line their own pockets. His sermons accentuate sin, the cross, and a need for...
by Terry_Powell | Jan 13, 2015 | All, Why I'm Blogging |
Welcome To My Blog and Website The last time I needed a jump was at a remote parking lot at the Charlotte, North Carolina airport. Arriving near midnight, exhausted from an overseas teaching stint and long flight, I was eager to get going on the 100-mile drive to my...