JOY TO THE WORLD–No Matter How You Feel This Christmas!
When Stress and Depression Take "Merry" Out of Christmas Does stress badger you over the Christmas holidays? Do you need lots more time than you have left to accomplish the expected tasks and fulfill seasonal social obligations? Ever feel like you "need a vacation"...
Pastors typically have a strong sense of calling to ministry. Many experience deep satisfaction in seeing lives change and knowing they’re investing in eternal realities. Yet serving as a pastor is more pressure-packed than church members realize. According to a...
Light-bearing Resources from Those Who Know the Darkness of Depression I’m encouraged by the spate of Christian books, blog posts and podcasts that speak to mental illness from a faith perspective. As recently as a couple of decades ago, you couldn’t find...
Encouragement and Resiliency Offered by God’s Promises
"But you promised!! Most of us have said that to someone who disappointed us: a parent, a child, a spouse, a supervisor or friend. Yes, even people we love, and who have loved us well, sometimes fail to follow-though on a promise they made. How do you feel when...
Prayers of a Needy Person
Does despondency ever sabotage your happiness? Does overwork ever leave you weary and listless? Do you ever yearn to know why God allows you to suffer? Is your view of the future ever tainted by hopelessness? Do you feel discouraged about certain weaknesses that...
Preaching God's Word To Myself When Satan says, “God does not care!” I see the cross: Christ’s blood stains there. When I’m tempted by what is wrong, God’s promises of help prove strong. When guilt nags and I’m overwhelmed, His Word insists, “You aren’t...
Wise shoppers clip coupons. My wife, Dolly, is a persistent coupon clipper. She saves us hundreds of dollars a year with this discipline. She only uses the coupons for what she plans to purchase, anyway. She knows what day specific supermarket flyers come with the...
Do You (or Someone You Love) Feel Hopeless?
Hopeless?? Fleeting, it's like a bird in flight, or like a shooting star at night, or lightning that spans the sky. Gone in the blink of an eye. Elusive, like the fog that lifts when morning sun sends its gifts; or the zigzagging butterfly that you can't...
What Does It Look Like to Live Strong and Finish Well?
What attitudes and behaviors impede your spiritual growth as a Christ-follower? How do these particular mindsets and behaviors show as you get older? In your walk with Christ, what attitude is a prerequisite for living and serving well? Why is this same attitude...
Few, They Tell Me, Finish Well
As a Christ-follower, what would "finishing well" look like for you? When it comes time for you to die, if you look back on your life, what would you need to see in order to conclude, "By God's grace, I finished well!" Rather than thinking those questions pertain...
Has a painful past experience or upsetting circumstance left you reeling, and you figure you'll never reach your potential for Christ? Do you think that a frail temperament, insecurity in social situations and recurring episodes of depression disqualify you from a...
Do You Need to Laugh Today?
Life is too short not to horse around now and then. "Lighten up, dad!" That's what my younger son Stephen told me several years ago after a couple of blogs I wrote illustrating the harsh symptoms of a depressive episode. He wasn't minimizing the effects of...