CATEGORY: Depression and Faith
From Disappointment to Depression to Delight
A Story Showing How My Grievous Disappointment Became God's Gracious Appointment Have you experienced a setback or disappointment so painful that it broke your heart and spawned tears? Have you thought you were following God's leading to a new business or ministry...
Why do you need encouragement? What affliction or reason for discouragement is threatening your joy? Can you identify with any of the following factors? Things that Generate Discouragement *Inadequacy for a called task or responsibility? *Weariness of mind, body...
Do You Feel Depressed About Being Weak?
For most of my 71 years, I've bucked against certain frailties and limitations. I've viewed my weaknesses as something that must be overcome, feeling frustrated when, decade after decade of my pilgrimage, I still exhibited those deficiencies or imperfections....
5 Ways To Listen To A Sermon
Do I listen to my pastor's sermons, or do I just hear them? To listen implies engaging the mind and processing the preacher's words. To hear means the sound waves are entering my ear canal but I'm not concentrating on them. What a privilege I’ve enjoyed to take...
A MESSAGE FROM THE GRAVE: Can God’s Blessings Become A Snare?
Sobering Lessons from the Ravi Zacharias Scandal (Part 1) Stimulating lectures on university campuses serving as bastions of a liberal worldview. Stirring debates with prominent atheists and scholarly representatives of other faiths. Soul-strengthening sermons...
HOMELESS: We Know More Homeless People Than We Think
There is more than one type of homelessness. In cities across the United States, homeless individuals sleep on park benches, under bridges and on scraps of cardboard stretched out on sidewalks. In the suburbs of my hometown of Columbia, South Carolina, on busy...
Who? Me Comfort?
How has God put you together to encourage or to comfort others? When someone is needy or hurting, do you consistently give the gift of your physical presence, even when you are unsure what to say? Do you allow your nearness to express what mere words cannot? Does...
Lamenting Depression: Can I Tell God What I Really Feel?
The Psalms of Lament in the Old Testament are special to me. They offer a language in which to address God honestly about pain. A "lament" is taking our pain to God and expressing our raw emotions. Faith isn't the absence of grief, doubt or despair; rather, we...
Depression: Symptoms, Prevalence and Causes
Late in 2020 I produced a 26.5 page, single-spaced document on depression for a strategic parachurch ministry. It wasn't a document they would ever use "as is," but it contained research as well as my own reflections, rooted in my study of the topic as well as...
Is Throwing a Bible Verse At Depression A Fix-It-All?
I had slept more than usual the previous night, so I couldn't blame insomnia for the lethargy of mind, body and spirit that blanketed me last Thursday. It's how depression often expresses itself. A rank hopelessness. An all-consuming despair, which I often cannot...
An Unlikely Source of Encouragement
Discover how an attack of spiritual warfare should encourage you! A Reassuring Perspective I am not someone who looks for a demon behind every bush, who sensationalizes every setback as a satanic attack. Often Satan gets blamed for things for which we should...
CONTRASTS: Has Your Thinking about Life and Ministry Changed?
Can you identify with any of the ways my thinking about life and ministry has changed over the years? Topics in this post include persistent praying, public weeping as a Bible teacher, a broken heart, temptation, indwelling sin of a believer, sources of identity,...