Misconception about Depression

MISCONCEPTION ABOUT DEPRESSIONFirst in a series on faith and depression  During a prayer time in an adult Sunday school class, which I taught, I asked for intercession on my behalf. I had been despondent for weeks: sad, less motivated, emotionally fragile. I wanted...

9 Questions for Personal Accountability

According to Patrick Morley, “accountability is to be regularly answerable for the key areas of our lives to qualified people.”  Charles Swindoll adds, “Accountability is giving a few trusted persons the permission to ask you the hard questions.” Tim serves this...
A Reason Not To Take My Own Life

A Reason Not To Take My Own Life

I pleaded with him. To no avail, as it turned out. Ronnie * (not his real name) and I were on the patio behind my house. He was a 31-year-old divorcee with two young girls who adored him.  Chronically depressed, he had tried a couple times to take his own life. “Next...

The limits of a Bible Teacher’s “Anointing”

Occasionally I make the mistake of clicking my TV remote to see what is on various “Christian” channels. Once I paused during a sermon on faith, delivered by the pastor of an upscale mega church.  He’s handsome, poised, articulate.  Networks beam his messages across...

Why i’m blogging 

Welcome To My Blog and Website The last time I needed a jump was at a remote parking lot at the Charlotte, North Carolina airport. Arriving near midnight, exhausted from an overseas teaching stint and long flight, I was eager to get going on the 100-mile drive to my...

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