by Terry_Powell | Mar 30, 2022 | Christian Living in the Trenches, Depression and Faith
Who do you most rely on for speaking God’s truth into your mind and heart? Is it a loyal, but honest, accountability partner? A dedicated pastor who studies diligently for every sermon he delivers? A best-selling author who feeds your soul through his or her...
by Terry_Powell | Mar 11, 2022 | Christian Living in the Trenches, Depression and Faith |
A biblical strategy for alleviating depression or discouragement. When we are hurting, whether it is debilitating physical pain or emotional affliction, such as severe depression, we are self-centered. When depression envelops me, I usually think of others only in...
by Terry_Powell | Feb 4, 2022 | Christian Living in the Trenches, Depression and Faith |
In your ministry of Bible teaching, preaching or personal evangelism, does it ever seem that, instead of fruitfulness, your branches are bare? Does discouragement dog you because you can’t see results from your ministry endeavors, or because someone unfairly...
by Terry_Powell | Jan 20, 2022 | Christian Living in the Trenches, Depression and Faith
As a new year approaches, or shortly after it begins, do you reflect on areas in which you see a need to change? Do you ask God to reveal to you areas of life in which He desires renewal for you? Due to past failure in resolution-keeping, and the self-badgering that...
by Terry_Powell | Sep 10, 2021 | Bible Teaching and Small Group Ministry, Christian Living in the Trenches, Church Leadership and Ministry |
What happens on the inside is far more important than external attractiveness. In the late spring of 1999, I was the teacher of record for a European tour that offered college academic credit for recent high school grads. The students had just received their diplomas...
by Terry_Powell | Jun 22, 2021 | Bible Teaching and Small Group Ministry, Christian Living in the Trenches, Church Leadership and Ministry, Depression and Faith
Do I listen to my pastor’s sermons, or do I just hear them? To listen implies engaging the mind and processing the preacher’s words. To hear means the sound waves are entering my ear canal but I’m not concentrating on them. What a privilege I’ve...