by Terry_Powell | Apr 15, 2017 | Christian Living in the Trenches
So what?According to Johnny Miller, former pastor and past President of Columbia International University, that’s the most important question to ask when we study the Bible.The text says this (observation). So what?The text means this (interpretation). So...
by Terry_Powell | Feb 26, 2017 | Christian Living in the Trenches |
We can fool ourselves into thinking we’ve forgiven another person, when resentment still simmers beneath the surface of our hearts. I know this from painful experience. Warning: asking ourselves these questions may spur repentance toward God for our bitterness,...
by Terry_Powell | Jan 23, 2017 | Christian Living in the Trenches |
For Patrick Morley, “Accountability is to be regularly answerable for each of the key areas of our lives to qualified people.”According to Charles Swindoll, “Accountability is giving one or more trusted persons the permission to ask you the hard questions.”Seeking...
by Terry_Powell | Jan 4, 2017 | Christian Living in the Trenches |
Whether you’re a homemaker, a businessman, or a vocational Christian leader, I hope you regularly pick the brains of older, mature people whose walk with the Lord you respect. Tapping into their wisdom and experience is a hinge on which your growth and effectiveness...
by Terry_Powell | Nov 28, 2016 | Christian Living in the Trenches |
After 67 years, some things life and God’s Word have taught me are lodged in my mind and regularly demand my attention and application. I’m convinced that the following ten statements pass the test of truth.If you want this post to make a difference in your life, read...
by Terry_Powell | Oct 5, 2016 | Christian Living in the Trenches
How can you tap into your group or family members’ positive memories of God’s interventions? How can you spark a celebration of His past deeds, leading to a corporate time of praise?1.Use a Hymn. Go online and find a high-quality choir rendition of “Great Is Thy...