Podcast Appearances
In this honest conversation about depression, Terry shares his testimony, discusses misconceptions about depression, and points listeners towards the hope we have in the Lord.
Terry discusses his journey with depression and explains how the Church can better approach this topic to support and encourage.
Are you wondering how you can support a loved one in their battle with depression? In this episode, Terry shares advice on handling the effects of depression on other family members.
Terry concludes his discussion with Family Vision on encouraging family members when supporting a loved one with depression.
Terry offers encouragement from his book, Serve Strong, and addresses doubts many Christians experience in their walk.
Terry shares truths from his book, Serve Strong, to encourage those serving in missions.
Terry discusses his book, Serve Strong, and reminds God’s servants of the promises God provided in His Word that daily sustain us.

The Colorinchaos Podcast
Terry connects with a former student to share his battle with depression and encourages others to press on even in the midst of suffering.
How Do I Deal With Depression?
What if I could write only one blog on handling depression, or give just one 15-minute talk on the subject....what would I write or say? Since childhood, I've experienced descents into emotional darkness and despair. In His providence, God hasn't eradicated my...
A melancholy, fragile temperament. Plagued by morbid introspection, often unable to apply the grace of God that he shared with others to himself. An unusually strong strain of weakness and depression in his family that was later traced over a span of two...
Resources and Practical Ideas for Enhancing Ministry to Depressed Persons A personal note from Terry: Most people who are reading this are not pastors, associate church staff or board members. Yet even if you aren't a ministry leader, you can play a pivotal role by...
A Pebble in the Pond
An Extremely Encouraging Perspective on Your Future Fruitfulness You've seen the ripple effect. Toss a pebble into the pond. Tiny waves, forming concentric circles, roll outward from the point of impact until they become too small to see. Figuratively speaking,...
Have you ever been decked by a verbal punch? During the fall semester of 2007, one succinct, unsolicited remark by a student sent me reeling. It came out of the blue, like a boxer who is far behind in points on all the judges’ scorecards, but who connects with a...
“No…Oh God, No….Not Ronnie!”
Personal Note from Terry: This is a story I revised from a post I wrote in 2015. Since subscriptions to my faith & depression blog came after this, you have not seen the full story of Ronnie. I did share a snippet from this incident within a 2018 post. I consider...
“I Hope You Die First!”
"I hope you die first!" If someone spoke those words to you, how would you react? What thoughts would roil around in your mind? Most folks consider it a selfish, rude statement at best, or a hateful, spiteful remark at worst. Typically, you do not feel warm...
By Emily Maurits Note: I (Terry) came across this practical blog a few days ago and wanted to share it with you. See Emily's bio and website information at the end of this post. What she writes stems from personal experience. She says, "Two of my closest family...
How God’s Perfect Timing Saved the Day
Three days ago, as I pumped gas into my car in mid-morning, I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks and onto the pavement. Before I tell you why, I'll back up and describe how the day began. An Inside/Outside Contrast Sunrise birthed a new day, spraying rays of...