Podcast Appearances

Brokenness - Depression - Christian

In this honest conversation about depression, Terry shares his testimony, discusses misconceptions about depression, and points listeners towards the hope we have in the Lord.

Terry discusses his journey with depression and explains how the Church can better approach this topic to support and encourage.

Are you wondering how you can support a loved one in their battle with depression? In this episode, Terry shares advice on handling the effects of depression on other family members.

Terry concludes his discussion with Family Vision on encouraging family members when supporting a loved one with depression.

Terry offers encouragement from his book, Serve Strong, and addresses doubts many Christians experience in their walk.

Terry shares truths from his book, Serve Strong, to encourage those serving in missions.

Terry discusses his book, Serve Strong, and reminds God’s servants of the promises God provided in His Word that daily sustain us.

The Colorinchaos Podcast

Terry connects with a former student to share his battle with depression and encourages others to press on even in the midst of suffering.

Fill out the contact form below to invite me as a guest on your podcast!

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Do We Really Want To Be Better Comforters?

Do We Really Want To Be Better Comforters?

What factors deepen and expand our ministry to hurting people? Valid answers include a sound grasp of Bible knowledge, identification and exercise of our spiritual gift(s), and a willingness to sacrifice our convenience and time precisely when others most need help....

76 Questions To Reconnect You As A Couple

76 Questions To Reconnect You As A Couple

A Note from Terry: This is a guest post by Cindee Snider Re, co-founder, along with Pamela Piquette, of Chronic Joy (A Faith-based Chronic Illness Ministry).  Chronic Joy has blogs and curriculum resources for needs in several categories: chronic illness or pain;...

How Well Do You See the Cross?

How Well Do You See the Cross?

  What things obscure a Christian’s view of the cross of Christ? What keeps us from experiencing all the benefits of the cross graciously lavished on us when we put our faith in Jesus’ sacrificial death? Here are a few of the obstructions, but I’ll put the most...

Object Lessons for Relationships and Revival

Object Lessons for Relationships and Revival

The closest thing I have to a "man cave" is my home office. In addition to my desk and a computer and files, you see old photos of childhood baseball teams, personalized, special gifts given to me over the years by students, and numerous souvenirs from overseas...

6 Bible Texts That Assuage My Depression (And Why)

6 Bible Texts That Assuage My Depression (And Why)

I've never claimed that saturating myself in God's Word and applying its truths eliminate my depression. But to use an old Amish phrase, I can say "for sure and for certain" that the Bible helps me deal with despondency, lowers the intensity of a depressive episode,...



A Christmas Memory I believe that Christmas Day should be the start of a week-long celebration, rather that its conclusion. Too often we feel an emotional and spiritual letdown the day after we celebrate Christ's birth. That's why I've saved a very personal story...

God’s Unfathomable, Funny-Wonderful Law of Provision

God’s Unfathomable, Funny-Wonderful Law of Provision

  Has someone ever met a need in your life before you were even aware the need existed? Do you remember the time you received an unexpected check in the mail right before the mailman delivered a higher-than-expected medical bill, or immediately preceding the...

Are You Strutting Your Stuff?

Are You Strutting Your Stuff?

Have you ever driven a bus or a truck with a "governor" attached to the engine mechanism? It's an item that won't allow the vehicle to go any faster than a designated speed, such as 5o miles per hour. No matter how far down you push the accelerator, you can't go any...

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