Podcast Appearances

Brokenness - Depression - Christian

In this honest conversation about depression, Terry shares his testimony, discusses misconceptions about depression, and points listeners towards the hope we have in the Lord.

Terry discusses his journey with depression and explains how the Church can better approach this topic to support and encourage.

Are you wondering how you can support a loved one in their battle with depression? In this episode, Terry shares advice on handling the effects of depression on other family members.

Terry concludes his discussion with Family Vision on encouraging family members when supporting a loved one with depression.

Terry offers encouragement from his book, Serve Strong, and addresses doubts many Christians experience in their walk.

Terry shares truths from his book, Serve Strong, to encourage those serving in missions.

Terry discusses his book, Serve Strong, and reminds God’s servants of the promises God provided in His Word that daily sustain us.

The Colorinchaos Podcast

Terry connects with a former student to share his battle with depression and encourages others to press on even in the midst of suffering.

Fill out the contact form below to invite me as a guest on your podcast!

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Have you ever wanted to be like someone else? Someone flesh and blood, not a comic book hero or any other fictitious heroine? I have. I still do. In three scenarios that occurred during my years at Wheaton Graduate School in Illinois (1971-73), I'll show you why....

When You Feel Lower Than A Snake’s Belly In A Wagon Rut

When You Feel Lower Than A Snake’s Belly In A Wagon Rut

Bible verses for when you feel despondent, afraid, anxious, bereft of wisdom, become aware of a pattern of sin, or feel needy for any reason whatsoever. In order to benefit from this post, you will need to use your Bible. If any of the questions representing areas of...

Dangerous Praying

Dangerous Praying

  Do we dare ask God to search our hearts? Some prayers are more dangerous than others. One type of prayer that has far-reaching consequences is to ask the Lord to search your heart for hidden sin, or for wrong patterns of thought. This happened to me years ago...

Why Don’t Christians Cry Anymore?

Why Don’t Christians Cry Anymore?

Whatever happened to shame and to agonizing over sin? Is a sense of shame always a bad thing for a Christian? Many Bible teachers and counselors reply with a resounding “Yes!” "There’s no place for shame in a Christian’s life," they insist. Thanks to forgiveness, and...

Who Are You??

Who Are You??

"If I can't come to the office each day, then who am I?" A lesser-known character in the TV series Mad Men (2007-2015) spoke those sobering words after the Madison Avenue ad agency for whom he worked fired him for drunkenness. During the series' nine seasons, the show...

Does Orange Go With Purple? Prayers and Insights from Young Children

Does Orange Go With Purple? Prayers and Insights from Young Children

A young child's prayer of praise: "Dear God, I didn't think that orange went with purple until I saw the sunset You made Tuesday night. That was really cool!" This article offers a lighter-than-usual touch, focusing on prayers of children, and an eight-year-old boy's...

Redwood Theology: We Can’t Go It Alone!

Redwood Theology: We Can’t Go It Alone!

The closer they are to one another, the more they thrive, the better they grow. The togetherness they experience enables each one to withstand the inevitable assaults of adversaries. Literally, they support one another when threatening circumstances encroach. Their...

Do You Take Your Life-Saving Medicine?

Do You Take Your Life-Saving Medicine?

As you start this blog, please be aware that it concerns much more than stories about our physical ailments and the meds we take for those maladies.   Life-Saving Medicines Back in 2003, a throbbing pain in my right calf, not caused by injury, prompted a doctor...



When you see or hear the words "holy place," what pops into your mind? The "Holy of Holies" in the Old Testament tabernacle? The proposed spot in Jerusalem where Jesus died on the cross? The wailing wall by the Temple mount, with hundreds of prayer requests folded and...

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