Podcast Appearances
In this honest conversation about depression, Terry shares his testimony, discusses misconceptions about depression, and points listeners towards the hope we have in the Lord.
Terry discusses his journey with depression and explains how the Church can better approach this topic to support and encourage.
Are you wondering how you can support a loved one in their battle with depression? In this episode, Terry shares advice on handling the effects of depression on other family members.
Terry concludes his discussion with Family Vision on encouraging family members when supporting a loved one with depression.
Terry offers encouragement from his book, Serve Strong, and addresses doubts many Christians experience in their walk.
Terry shares truths from his book, Serve Strong, to encourage those serving in missions.
Terry discusses his book, Serve Strong, and reminds God’s servants of the promises God provided in His Word that daily sustain us.

The Colorinchaos Podcast
Terry connects with a former student to share his battle with depression and encourages others to press on even in the midst of suffering.
Five minutes. That's all it took for her to change my life. It was what she did and said to start her first-period English class, early in the Fall of my senior year of high school. Before I explain, I need to set the stage for that life-altering incident, which...
“Dennis, Will You Forgive Me?”
What did one of us say, or what happened, that caused anger to boil over between us? Why did we spit verbal venom on one another that day? Why did the argument degenerate into a fist fight? Honestly, I can't remember why. Scene 1 Spring 1968 Dennis, my older...
Scene 1 6-7 Years Ago It happened out of the blue, as I strolled through the den. An unseen force suddenly penetrated my chest cavity, got a vise-grip on my heart, and squeezed forcibly until tears began flooding down my cheeks. No, it wasn’t a heart...
Is Laughter The Best Medicine?
A man and his ever-nagging wife took a vacation to Jerusalem. While they were there, the wife died. The undertaker told the husband, "You can have her buried here in the Holy Land for only $150, or we can ship her body back to the States for $5,000." The husband...
3 Things The Bible Does Not Teach
It is important to know what God's Word does not teach, as well as what it does teach. The late pastor Ron Dunn quipped, “Many people believe the Bible because they do not know what it says.” He referred to misconceptions some folks have about what it does and does...
You know how it is when a particular lure is irresistible. You keep thinking about it until your head throbs. The longer you wait, the more your passion for it intensifies. You cannot rest until you capitulate, and give in. That's what happened to Seth Thomas on June...
Am I Raising A White Flag?
Centuries ago, before rifles and more modern weapons were utilized on battlefields, a commander whose troops won the battle met with the leader of the defeated army, who had come to surrender. The vanquished foe walked up to the victor and offered him his hand. The...
A Timely Word for the Discouraged or the Depressed
Today, I decided not to reinvent the wheel. You have heard, and probably have used, that cliché. It means, "Don't try something new when what you already have is working well." Or, "Why take the time and energy to create something when you can't improve on what...
"But" is a conjunction with impact. It precedes a contrary opinion, or introduces a stark contrast to the first part of a sentence. The term qualifies, or completely negates, what precedes it. Want examples? *"I know I promised we'd get away this weekend, honey, but...