Podcast Appearances
In this honest conversation about depression, Terry shares his testimony, discusses misconceptions about depression, and points listeners towards the hope we have in the Lord.
Terry discusses his journey with depression and explains how the Church can better approach this topic to support and encourage.
Are you wondering how you can support a loved one in their battle with depression? In this episode, Terry shares advice on handling the effects of depression on other family members.
Terry concludes his discussion with Family Vision on encouraging family members when supporting a loved one with depression.
Terry offers encouragement from his book, Serve Strong, and addresses doubts many Christians experience in their walk.
Terry shares truths from his book, Serve Strong, to encourage those serving in missions.
Terry discusses his book, Serve Strong, and reminds God’s servants of the promises God provided in His Word that daily sustain us.

The Colorinchaos Podcast
Terry connects with a former student to share his battle with depression and encourages others to press on even in the midst of suffering.
A Surrendered Spirit
A response to depression far more difficult to experience than it is to write about About 15 years ago, over a period of months, I begged the Lord to heal me of chronic depression. The initial benefit of anti-depressants had waned. Counseling hadn't...
Vaneetha Risner's The Scars That Have Shaped Me I am not defined by what people have done or said to me. I am defined by who I am in Christ. God uses all of our suffering for our joy and for his glory. God’s refusals are always his mercies. When my life spins out of...
The Prevalence and Symptoms of Major Depression Usually sanguine, sixteen-year-old Chad started locking himself in his room more often, texting and calling his friends far less frequently, and attending fewer school and church social functions. He’s sleeping more,...
What Does It Look Like in the Dark?
My first recollection of it occurred on the back porch steps of my rural home in North Carolina. Nine or ten years old, I slumped, cried aloud for what seemed like an hour, tears cascading down my cheeks onto the steps, obscuring my view of the sun setting behind a...
I Am Depressed, But God is Good
What follows is a journal entry from 2005. The first part sounds bleak. I was knee-deep in a depressive episode and couldn’t slog my way out. I’m posting it to show you how depression expresses itself in the minds or emotions of some Christian workers you may know...
Why do you need encouragement? *Inadequacy for a called task or responsibility? *Weariness of mind, body, and spirit? *Battle fatigue over spiritual warfare? *Discouragement over an unmet goal or unanswered prayer? *Doubts about God’s love and faithfulness? *Conflict...
God Penetrates Our Darkness with His Light. A lot of my writing strives to reconcile struggles, especially depression, with faith in a loving God. But not even a melancholy person...
When Faith Doesn’t Work
I am not a Christian because my faith “works” for me. Talk to a devout Mormon, Muslim, or Buddhist and he’ll extol the here-and-now benefits of his faith. He’ll cite a serenity of spirit, or a sense of order that believing brings to his life. Yet his belief system...
Repeatedly in His Word, God warns about the encroachment of pride. That’s because, as John Wesley put it, “All pride is idolatry.”When we’re proud, how does it show?More obvious answers include boasting about accomplishments (even when we’re subtle about it during...