A Reason NOT to Take My Own Life

As a Church Ministries professor at Columbia International University for 38 years, Terry taught courses on leading effective Bible studies. He has also written a practical handbook for group leaders: Now That’s a Good Question! How to Lead Quality Bible Discussions.

Do your classroom teachers and small group leaders know how to plan and implement an interactive Bible study from scratch, or maximize the use of published curriculum?

Do they need training that will enhance their use of discussion, so participants can observe, interpret, and apply God’s Word?

Do you want your leaders to ask biblically and educationally sound questions that keep the locus of authority on God’s Word, not subjective human opinion?

Do you want them to know how to maximize learner engagement, even when lecture is necessary?

Do you want them to know how to prevent or to handle problems such as monopolizers, tangents, and a pooling of ignorance? How to handle difficult or controversial Bible verses that crop up in a study?

Then invite Terry to your church or agency for practical, hands-on training sessions. He will custom-design the meeting in light of your felt needs with workshops lasting for one evening, a half-day, or longer.

Terry has trained teachers and small group leaders in over 25 states in the U.S. as well as training teachers through seminars or courses in Canada, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Ukraine, India, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Namibia, Kenya, Grenada, and France.

Contact him to learn how he can team with you to encourage and to equip the Bible study leaders in your church, mission agency, or parachurch organization.



As a Bible teacher for more than 40 years, I have benefitted from the workshops which Terry offers. God has gifted him as a captivating and inspiring communicator. He knows the Scriptures and is skilled in equipping others in methods of both teaching and guiding group discussion. He is honest and practical in his approach. I am a better teacher and servant because of Terry’s influence in my life.

Delaine Blackwell Teaching Director for Community Bible Study in Columbia, SC Speaker for Women’s Conferences, USA & Abroad

Having Terry Powell train your people would be one of the best investments you could possibly make as a church. I know firsthand; first as a student, and now as a pastor. Everything I do is a direct reflection of the training I received under him and now alongside of him. You can forget theory that fails to transfer into practice. His training sticks! It is extremely practical for both the experienced teacher, as well as the ‘new kid’ on the block. Whether it’s motivation, inspiration, or encouragement you desire, or perhaps skills your people can put into practice right away, Terry will deliver.

Pastor Mike Connell New Life Fellowship Church, Grant, Michigan

Every church wants to have the best teachers teaching the Word of God to their people but few offer training and development. In a former ministry called, ‘First Baptist University’ (Sunday evening setup), we enlisted the help of Terry Powell. He has taught our people how to develop a lesson plan, ask the right questions, engage the listener, prepare the heart and other essential dynamics. Terry’s openness, vulnerability and handle on the Word of God has helped us grow our teaching team. We are grateful for his assistance.

Ralph Schneck, Senior Pastor First Baptist Church, Lexington, SC

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