RESOURCES: Teaching Tips – Terry Powell


Tips for Bible Teaching and Small Group Leader Helps

Fuzz-Busting Discussions
Practical guidelines for wording your Bible study questions.

Creating a Caring Atmosphere in Your Group
Practical strategies for enhancing relationships among your small group participants.

Tips for Discussing a Christian Book in Your Small Group
List of questions for small group leaders or teachers who discuss a Christian book chapter by chapter. These questions are useful with any book that covers Biblical content or Christian living.

Transparency in a Small Group
Discover the benefits of being a transparent leader, guidelines for the use of personal illustrations, and concrete strategies for getting group members to open up.

Tips for Discussing Your Pastor’s Sermon
Provides questions and helps for small group leaders or classes who review, discuss, and apply their pastor’s weekly sermons. This “sermon discussion guide” is not sermon-specific and may be used for any sermon.

10 Ways to Hook Your Learner’s Interest
Different methods for launching Bible lessons in a life-related manner.

Accountability Questions
Hard questions for persons in small groups who want to hold each other accountable.

Bible Facts
Explains the “observation” phase of a Bible study and shows examples of observation questions for group Bible study.

Body Language and Observation
Encourages group members to be observant to others’ needs by paying attention to their nonverbal communication.

Buzz Groups
Practical Tips for when you want to divide your Bible class or group into smaller cells for discussion.

Connecting Content to Contexts
7 questions to help you as a Bible teacher think in terms of application or lesson carryover for your learners.

Creative Writing – Graffiti
Practical tips for involving learners during the “Introduction” phase of Bible study, focusing on employing word associations or incomplete sentences.

Environment: Rotation Principle
Examples of “thinking outside the box” when it comes to creative locations for group Bible studies.

Guidelines for Choosing Methods
Questions to ask yourself that will help you determine which methods to use for any given Bible lesson.

Gives research validating humor in teaching when the humor is closely connected to lesson content.

Increasing Involvement
Shows how to ask questions that broaden the base of participation among your group members.

Defines “interpretation” in Bible study, and gives examples of interpretation questions that guide learners to see truth for themselves.

Leadership Tip: Body Language
Research on the role of a teacher’s nonverbal communication. Includes tips for enhancing nonverbal communication.

Less Is Sometimes More
A warning against covering too much content in any given lesson.

A different set of questions to help you choose learning activities for a Bible lesson.

Nonverbal Communication
An enjoyable get-acquainted activity that demonstrates the power of body language.

Personalizing a Passage of Scripture
Devotional questions a teacher can use for a Bible passage so God can speak a personal word before the lesson is taught.

Qualifying Your Questions
Shows how to word Bible study questions in a way that keeps the focus on the text rather than subjective opinion.

Rescuing “Rabbits”
Tips for preventing or handling group contributions that seem to be off track (handling tangents).

Retention of Truth
Research showing that retention improves when learners are engaged rather than passive.

Teachers to Learners, Learners to Teachers
A discussion approach to group sessions applies the “two-heads-are-better-than-one” principle to an exploration of God’s Word.

The Ultimate Encouragement
A skeletal list of truths and Bible verses that give God’s perspectives on your teaching ministry.

Traits of Productive Communication
Discusses 4 guidelines for effective spoken or written communication: Clarity, accuracy, simplicity, and helpfulness.

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